
食品百貨早餐穀類-Bob's Red Mill, 全麥苔麩24盎司(680克)

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  • To Your Good Health...Bob Moore

  • Gluten Free

  • Grain-Of-Discovery

  • The Traditional Grain of the Ethiopia

  • 床的世界
  • An Employee Owned Company

  • Bob's Red Mill - Passport to Whole Grain Adventure

  • 100% Whole Grain

  • 50 g or More Per Serving

  • Eat 48 g or More of Whole Grains Daily

  • Kosher
  • 髮旺旺

  • All Natural
  • 髮旺旺

Add a little adventure to everyday meals with teff, a tiny whole grain that has been a staple of traditional Ethiopian cooking for thousands of years. Teff is a gluten-free food with a mild flavor, unique texture and great nutritional value.

Teff is the smallest grain in the world. Originating in Africa thousands of years ago, it has long been an important food for Highland Ethiopians, who use it to make everything from bread to beer, Now the rest of the world is catching on to the bug potential of this tiny grain. With a mild, nutty flavor and lots of calcium, protein, iron and fiber, whole grain teff is a great addition to porridge, stew, pilaf or baked goods.

Bob's Red Mill, 全麥苔麩24盎司(680克)





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